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5 Questions To Help You Sort Out Your Clothes

Autorenbild: Laura LarsonLaura Larson

Aktualisiert: 29. Juli 2024

You've taken heart and decided to tidy up. Now, you're standing in front of a huge pile of clothes that were just in your wardrobe. You pick up each item individually and ask yourself whether it makes you happy or not. Some clothes come easily to you - your favorite clothes make you instantly happy. Other clothes come easily to you for a different reason - you hate them and are happy to finally sort them out. But what about the clothes in between? What about the ones you're just not sure about? What if your gut isn't telling you anything? What about the clothes that are just hard to sort out?

Here's something for you: when I work with my clients, I have a few questions that help them get a better sense of whether they want to keep an item or not. So if you are also stuck on what to do with the garment in your hands, here are my favorite 5 questions for you:

Simple but effective question: when did you last wear it and how often do you wear it? The answer alone will tell you whether you like an item of clothing or not. Because - surprise - we avoid wearing the things we don't like as much as possible. So if it's been ages since you've worn something or you rarely wear it in general, it could be a sign that it doesn't make you happy.

2. When do you think you'll be able to wear it next time? Are you excited about wearing this in the future?

If the answer to the previous question was that you can't remember the last time you wore this, you can perhaps ask yourself: when would I wear it next? Can't think of a moment? Question answered. And if you do think of a moment, ask yourself afterward: are you looking forward to wearing it? Because if you're holding these damn tight jeans in your hand and think you could wear them to the next birthday party, and at the same time realize that you don't want to wear them - precisely because they're so damn tight—then sort them out right away and don't torture yourself.

3. Would you buy this today?

I love this question because sometimes we just accumulate clothes and they nest in our closets. Simply because they are already there, we don't question them anymore. But you should only surround yourself with clothes that you love so much that you would buy them again today. So if you hold an item in your hand and think that you wouldn't spend any more money on it today, it could be a sign that it doesn't make you happy. Remember - it's a theoretical question, of course, nobody wants to buy a new closet every day.

4. If it gets ruined (a stain, a tear, etc.), would you spend your time, money, and energy to get it fixed?

The question is similar to the one above but slightly different. The question is: do you love this item of clothing so much that you would spend your time and money to fix it if it broke? Because that's the case with our absolute favorite pieces. I like to run to the tailor or the laundry with them. If the answer to the garment is no, that can be another sign.

5. What are you afraid of?

Last but not least, this question. What is the real problem? What are you afraid of? Is it even about the garment or something completely different? Are you perhaps afraid of discarding the sweater because it was a gift and you feel bad about it? Watch my video on "What to do with gifts" - but a little spoiler first - you can sort them out. Or maybe you don't want to admit to yourself that the sweater was a bad buy because it would mean you have to admit you made a mistake. Or are you afraid that you will regret the decision afterward? Or do you associate the sweater with a memory? Ask yourself what is actually behind it and resolve the issue, whatever it is for you, first, then the question about the sweater will also be resolved.

And just one last tip - if you've just embarked on a complete decluttering journey - i.e. tidying up all your possessions, it's perfectly okay to put items of clothing that have sentimental value at the end of your journey. Go through the rest of your possessions first and face the sentimental items when you're a bit fitter at sorting them out.

I hope these questions help you and you can now sort through your pile of clothes. Do you still have questions? Feel free to write me a comment or contact me via Instagram or my website at

Until then, happy organizing!


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